2010 Competitions


The ON-SITE competition has two parts: the dress for the hunt portion (open to all) and the “Let your Tale be Told”, (restricted to no more seven adventurers selected from among those desiring to present a three minute tale for the entertainment of the assembled multitudes).

1) All persons attending the convention as paid registrants are eligible to participate in dressing up in appropriate adventurer’s attire for the Saturday night reception and banquet. Costumes may be as outlandish as desired, within the limits of good taste.

2) All persons attending a members of a ConGaloosh Tribe may participate in the BEST TRIBAL BANNER competition, the LIVE SKIT competition and/or the “LIGHTS, CAMERA, ADVENTURE” competition (see separate rules).

3) Costumes and banners will be judged by the distinguished panelists, and awards given as they desire. Possible categories, by no means designed to be an all inclusive list, include the following: originality, authenticity, creativity, whimsy, most satirical, and such others awards as seem appropriate at the time. Awards are completely arbitrary, meant in fun, and all decisions are final.

4) The “Let your tale be told” is also open to all paid registrants EXCEPT members of the Board of Directors of The ConGaloosh Society, Inc.. To keep the program to a reasonable length, no more than seven Adventurers may participate. If you wish to do so, please send a short summary of your proposed idea/script to [email protected] no later than midnight, September 1, 2010. The Board of Directors will do a blind vote and select up to seven Adventurers to tell their tale. Plan on presenting your tale in three minutes (keeping in mind that live presentations generally run longer than rehearsals).

5) The “LIGHTS, CAMERA, ADVENTURE” Video falls into a separate category. The best of the submissions will be shown at ConGaloosh 2010, and the BEST IN SHOW winner will receive a complimentary registration to ConGaloosh 2010. (This means that if registration has been paid, it will be fully refunded). The video must be submitted no later than June 30, 2010, for final judging). See separate rules sheet for more information.

6) Awards will be given in a completely arbitrary fashion by the distinguished panel, using whatever criteria they desire, and all decisions are final. Have fun!